Audience Affinity

Azira’s Audience Affinity Report reveals the likelihood that your customers would or would not be members of certain audience segments based on our comprehensive audience parameters.

Table of Contents
  1. Overview
  2. Applications
  3. Audience Descriptions and Composition


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Azira’s Audience Affinity Report reveals the likelihood that your customers would or would not be members of certain audience segments based on our comprehensive audience parameters.

Example Report Output

Audience Code Audience Name Count of Devices in the Audience Percentage of Total Devices in the Audience
gs-casual-diner-foc Casual Diner 204 0.144475921



Audience affinities can be used to understand the psychographic profile of visitors to your or your competitor's location(s). They can be used to advise marketing spend and paint a broader picture of the types of visitors to your business or destination. 

Audience Descriptions and Composition

Bargain Hunter

Ingredients: Visits to discount shopping locations, frequent use of couponing apps

90% Location 10% App

The "Bargain Hunter" is willing to spend time and energy tracking down savings. They tend to visit discount retailers like Big Lots, Dollar Tree, Marshalls, and Walmart, and is always mindful of rewards points, sales in the local paper, and couponing apps. The Bargain Hunter is more interested in cumulative savings on everyday purchases (think shampoo, butter, snacks for the family, etc) than large, one-off purchases like mattresses or large appliances.

Business Traveler

Ingredients: People who show up regularly in airports or hotels during the weekday as well as business conference attendees

85% Location 15% App

Always on the go, Business Travelers are regularly catching a flight during the week and staying in hotels near conference centers. Back and forth from business meetings and client dinners, convenience is key for these mid-career professionals. They are always on the hunt for Wifi, a quiet place to make a phone call, and a place to charge their iPhone. They steer clear of popular tourist spots and look forward to getting back home for the weekend.

Casual Diner

Ingredients: Visits to casual dining locations

90% Location 10% App
Fans of full-service restaurants with a laid back feel, Casual Diners enjoy taking their families to dinner

or stopping by to watch a sports game.


Ingredients: Frequent use of celebrity gossip apps

0% Location 100% App

Likely a millennial, our celeb-obsessed user is constantly connected to pop culture through social media apps like SnapChat and Twitter. They are up-to-date on the Kardashians, who T.Swift is dating, and definitely still have an opinion on Brangelina. Always on the hunt for the perfect spot to take a selfie, this culture consumer looks for validation from their peers in the form of likes, upvotes, and favs. There is no topic they aren’t willing to take a stand on.

Coffee Lover

Ingredients: Visits to coffee shops, frequent use of coffee-related apps

99% Location 1% App

The Coffee Lover has built a routine around their caffeine habit. Likely on their way to the office, on a break, or before going home for dinner, this caffeine fiend is a regular at their local coffee shop and has the rewards points to prove it.

College Student

Ingredients: Seen frequently on college campuses

100% Location 0% App

Likely the first time living on their own, the College Student audience is looking for budget home goods, convenient meals, and affordable entertainment. Seen frequently on college campuses, these young scholars are getting the hang of adult life, including financial planning and career choices.


Ingredients: Visits to home improvement and hardware stores

98% Location 2% App

The Do-it-Yourselfer doesn't believe in hiring a handyman to fix things around the house. Frequently found at home improvement and hardware stores, this weekend warrior always has a project on their mind. Whether they are building a treehouse, fixing the leaky faucet, or changing out lightbulbs, no project is too big or too small for them to take on.

Expecting Parent

Ingredients: Frequent use of pregnancy tracker apps

0% Location 100% App

The Expecting Parent is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest member of their family. Thanks to her pregnancy tracker app, they are well aware of what fruit or vegetable her fetus is currently the size of. As the due date approaches, the list of things to do around the house and things to purchase gets longer and longer.


Ingredients: Audiences interested in the latest trends expressed through the use of hairstyle and makeup apps; Devices frequently seen at trendy retailers
88% Location 12% App

The first to tell you if her dress has pockets, the Fashionista is always on top of the latest trends. They shop at Target to "unwind" and is constantly updating their Instagram story to get further validation from their peers. Likely a young adult, they often purchase new styles from trendy retailers like Lululemon, Athletica, Zara, Urban Outfitters, and Nordstrom.

Fast Foodie

Ingredients: Frequents (multiple times a month) quick service and fast food restaurants

95% Location 5% App

Fast Foodies visit quick service and drive-thru restaurants multiple times a month. These convenience minded customers are likely on the road, short on time, or looking for a quick snack that won’t break the bank. Affordability is often a deciding factor in choosing where to stop.


Ingredients: Visits to gyms, frequent use of fitness-related apps

75% Location 25% App

Fitness-minded consumers actually use their gym membership and are typically more focused on their diet than the average person. Self-care is part of their daily routine and they enjoy tracking their physical activity on fitness apps.

Hardcore Gamer

Ingredients: Frequent use of gaming news apps, other gaming-related apps, or see in game store locations
0% Location 100% App

Whether they play on desktop, console, or mobile, the Hardcore Gamer is dedicated to advancing their characters. A frequent user of gaming news apps, the Hardcore Gamer is looking for the latest tips, tricks, and news on their favorite games. These users can also be found frequenting game store locations to buy games and game related accessories.

Looking for Love

Ingredients: Frequent use of online dating apps

0% Location 100% App
Our Looking for Love audience frequently uses online dating apps to meet new people. Often identified as a casual dater, this person typically is a young adult and active on social media.

Luxury Lifestyle

Ingredients: Visits to high-end retailers and use apps related to high-end lifestyles

95% Location 5% App

A taste for the finer things in life, our Luxury Lifestyle audience often shops at high-end retailers like Louis Vuitton, Neiman Marcus, and Bloomingdales. They drive luxury cars and when vacationing and stay at resorts.

Makeup Addict

Ingredients: Visits to cosmetics retailers, frequent use of makeup-related apps

85% Location 15% App

Always looking for the perfect shade to match a new outfit or practice a new YouTube tutorial, Makeup Addicts take their purchases very seriously. They read reviews before purchasing new items and review it themselves. Samples are very popular among Makeup Addicts.

Movie/TV Streamer

Ingredients: Frequent use of movie and TV streaming apps

0% Location 100% App

A self-proclaimed "cord-cutter," the Movie/TV Streamer prefers on-demand movies and bingeing on TV shows over traditional television. Often consuming media during down times, the Movie/TV Streamer uses smartphone apps to stay up-to-date on their shows while on the go.

Music Streamer

Ingredients: Frequent use of music streaming apps

0% Location 100% App

Always listening for new tunes, the Music Streamer enjoys the on-demand nature of streaming apps without having to invest in curating his own music library. Often streaming while doing repetitive or isolated tasks like commuting, working out at the gym, or while getting things done at work or at home, the Music Streamer has a playlist for every mood.

Online Shopper Focused

Ingredients: Devices that frequently use online price shopping apps

0% Location 100% App

The Online Shopper frequently uses multiple apps to find the right product or compare prices. If they do go into the store, it is because they want to interact with the product before making a decision. Promo codes or free shipping are likely to sway their decision when placing an order.

Organic Shopper

Ingredients: Visits to organic grocers, frequent use of health food apps

90% Location 10% App

The Organic Shopper prioritizes sustainable living and supporting environmentally-friendly retailers. They buy organic, non-GMO foods for their family at retailers like Whole Foods and uses health food apps to keep track of recipes and suggestions for healthy substitutions.


Ingredients: Visits to national and state parks, campgrounds, outdoor retailers, etc., and frequently uses of outdoors-related apps
92% Location 8% App

Lover of all things wild, the Outdoors audience spends their free time exploring national and state parks. Their appreciation of nature has led them to an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. They tend to eat locally grown or organic options and choose their next destination based on the natural features of the location.


Ingredients: Visits to children’s retailers, frequent use of parenting apps

95% Location 5% App

The Parent is likely running between appointments, soccer practice, and dance lessons. They are short on time and looking for dependable, straightforward information so that they can trust they are making the right decisions for their family. They often look to reviews before making a purchase.

Pet Owner

Ingredients: Visits to pet stores, frequent use of pet care apps

88% Location 12% App

"Man's best friend's" best friend, the Pet Owner treats their furry friend as another member of the family. A self-identified "Pet Parent," the Pet Owner often visits pet stores for treats, kibble, or new toys. They keep track of vet appointments, grooming, and training advice via pet care apps.

Sports Junkie

Ingredients: Visits to stadiums, frequent use of sports news apps

87% Location 13% App

The Sports Junkie always has a game to watch. Whether they are filling their bracket, finishing up the draft for their Fantasy Football league, or checking for game updates on his phone, they are always aware of current stats and scores. They wear their favorite jersey to stadium games and enjoy a comfortable sports bar.


Ingredients: Frequent use of tech news apps and frequents high tech retail brands

0% Location 100% App

Often an early adopter, the Techie pays attention to Google I/O and Apple releases every year. They frequently use tech news apps and are highly interested in all things digital. A fan of home automation, drones, and smart devices, the Techie is always looking for new ways to integrate technology in their day to day life.

Vacation Travel

Ingredients: Devices seen at a combination of airports, hotels, and vacation destinations and use travel apps
25% Location 75% App

Whether looking for adventure, entertainment, or relaxation, the Vacation Traveler will be found at a combination of airports, hotels, and tourist destinations. They are likely traveling on the weekend or around school holidays and use travel apps to score the best deals.


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