GeoJSON errors in Data Explorer are usually due to the fact that Data Explorer is looking for a unique identifier for each feature.
GeoJSON errors in Data Explorer are usually due to the fact that Data Explorer is looking for a unique identifier for each feature. Each feature needs either an "id" or one of the following in the feature properties: "name", "Name", "Geofence" or "id" to use in polygon identification in reporting. If you run into this error, please review your GeoJSON to ensure that it has one of the required identifiers. It is also possible you could have a syntax error in your geoJSON so we do recommend using an online JSON validator as well.
In addition to each feature in a GeoJSON requiring an identifier, each feature/polygon requires a unique identifier. For example, if you have two features in your GeoJSON that have "Golf Course" as their identifiers for the "name" property, you will not be able to submit your job request. You'll need to modify one so that it's "Golf Course 1" and the other so that's "Golf Course 2".
Data Explorer is also expecting the GeoJSON to have an EPSG:4326 coordinate projection. If the GeoJSON is in a different coordinate projection, like EPSG:3857, Data Explorer will alert you with an invalid coordinate error. You'll need to reproject the GeoJSON in EPSG:4326.