Using Human Movement Data for Competitive Analysis

This case study uses mobile location data to evaluate the consumer profile of a Central New Jersey Home Depot and a neighboring Lowe’s location and compared their consumer bases to determine the differences between the two retailers.

Case Study Overview

The study location is a New Jersey Home Depot located near a major highway. The study location is located 2.2 miles away from a Lowe’s, and both retailers are easily accessible from the highway.

Insights covered in this case study include:

1. What are the traffic trends to Home Depot and how does that compare to competing Lowe’s?

2. How does Home Depot’s trade area compare to Lowe’s?

3. Where are customers coming from?

4. Where do customers spend their evenings?

5. What are the customers’ demographics?

6. What are customers’ affinities to other retailers?



Recreate this using Vista Data Explorer


Insight Report
What are the traffic trends to Home Depot and how does that compare to competing Lowe’s? Heartbeat
How does Home Depot’s trade area compare to Lowe’s? Optimal GeoSpace
What are customers' affinities to other psychographic segments? Audience Affinity
Where do customers spend their evenings? Common Evening Location
What are the customers’ demographics? Demographics
What are customers’ affinities to other retailers? Location Affinity



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