Common Evening Location (CEL) and Common Daytime Location (CDL) are frequently used for trade area analysis
Methodology: Common Evening Location
The Common Evening Location is where a device rests in the evening.
Using an algorithm, and drawing from several months of historical mobile location data, a device’s likely home location is derived based on where it rests during “non work” hours, defined as evenings (6 pm to 8 am) and weekends.
Methodology: Common Daytime Location
The Common Daytime Location is where a device rests in the daytime.
Using an algorithm, and drawing from several months of historical mobile location data, a device’s likely work location is derived based on where it rests during the work hours, defined as 8 am to 6 pm from Monday to Friday.
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🔎Interested in learning even more? Read our in-depth methodology article on our Common Evening / Common Daytime Derivation or contact our support team.