What is "Screen Data" and how do I use that?

The Screen Data area allows users to select additional screening options before running their job.

The Screen Data area allows users to select additional screening options. Azira highly recommends using the outlier and MPH screening options for any Pathing data as these can help remove cached locations and other data that didn’t get caught in the system-wide screening.

Data Source Group -- limits job to a specific type of data source

Include Delayed Data -- Some of our location SDK GPS data is delivered to Azira on a delayed basis and not instantly. Data will often appear in this bucket when a new data partner is signed and has historic data available for ingestion or if an intermittent transfer problem occurred.

Screen for Outliers (for Path-to-Purchase reports only) -- Outlier screening removes devices that have “too many” observation points within the screening time period. Azira's extensive experience screening data has flagged this type of extensive data output as more often than not being associated with software programming incompetence on the part of app makers or location spoofing/fraud. While this occurs infrequently, throwing out devices exhibiting poor Pathing data is advised.

Set Max Screen MPH (for Path-to-Purchase reports only) -- The Max Screen MPH Throws out pre/post location points that could not be reached, as the crow flies, given the specified mph value. This has the practical effect of tossing any observation points that were cached by the GPS.

Please reach out to our Support team if you need further assistance with these screening options.