What is Vista Insights?

Vista Insights provides nine straightforward insights to understand foot traffic and visitation to any location in the US.


With the easy-to-use Vista Insights, you can explore consumer foot traffic for any location or time right from your browser. Get started in just minutes.

Nine Insights

Unique and powerful insights backed by Human Movement Data

Any Location & Time

Analyze any time period in the US extending back five years

Instant Access

Easy online sign up gets you 25 reports per month for free (no credit card information required). 

Insights in Action

Export images for use in presentations, send shareable links via email or messaging, or embed interactive cards into your website.

Insights that Drive Decisions

Unique insights that guide data driven decision making with powerful mobile location data


Where visitors were seen 30 minutes before or after a visit to a location

Mobile Trade Area

Geographic area from which a location generates the majority of its visits

Visitor Demographics

Visitor demographics based on US Census Data

Visitation Heatmap

Visitor patterns within a location

Day of Week Visitation

Visitation by day of week

Time of Day Visitation

Visitation by time of day

Common Daytime Location

Visitors most frequented location on weekdays

Visitation Over Time

Day-by-day index of foot traffic to a location

Common Evening Location

Visitors most frequented location on weeknights and weekends


📍Get Started With Free Location Insights

Get Started in just minutes to explore powerful free insights on consumer foot traffic for any location in the US.


Insights provided by Azira are aggregated and de-identified, not tied to any single device or individual. Azira adheres to GDPR and CCPA and has been certified for privacy compliance by Verasafe, an independent third party.